Primavera EPPM vs Primavera PPM
Primavera EEPM is much rarely used compared to Primavera PPM. This is due to the difficulties in the deployment, configuration and maintenance required by the EEPM software. However, there are some functionalities in EPPM that are not present in PPM version of Primavera.
The following features are present in Primavera EPPM but not present in Primavera PPM:
1. Risk register
2. Formula-driven custom fields/columns
3. Schedule checker
4. Advanced project portfolio management
5. Enterprise level project access for viewing/editing through Intranet/Internet
6. Schedule changes preview
7. Information Dashboards
8. Notifications on changes in projects
9. Centralized user administration
10. Issue administration
Also find out: Primavera P6 PPM vs P6 EPPM